Currently, ExtJS 3.1.1 doesn’t support Vertical TabPanel. Here is my simple custom Vertical TabPanel ux class. Currently, it supports the same set of features as Ext.Tabpanel except advanced auto tab-scrolling feature. Default position is “left”.
Tested working on FF2+, IE6+, Chrome 4, Safari 4, and Opera 10.
You can put the source files in ExtJS Tabs folder to test: ext-3.1.1examplestabs..
Check out the live example here
Download the whole example
Download the extension code only
10/2010 : Released v0.2. Updated to work with ExtJS 3.3
03/2011 : Released v0.21. CSS minor bugs fixed.
11/2014: The open-source code has been removed following a request from one of my previous companies.