ExtJS Vertical TabPanel example

Currently, ExtJS 3.1.1 doesn’t support Vertical TabPanel. Here is my simple custom Vertical TabPanel ux class. Currently, it supports the same set of features as Ext.Tabpanel except advanced auto tab-scrolling feature. Default position is “left”.

Tested working on FF2+, IE6+, Chrome 4, Safari 4, and Opera 10.

You can put the source files in ExtJS Tabs folder to test: ext-3.1.1examplestabs..

Check out the live example here

Download the whole example
Download the extension code only

10/2010 : Released v0.2. Updated to work with ExtJS 3.3

03/2011 : Released v0.21. CSS minor bugs fixed.

11/2014: The open-source code has been removed following a request from one of my previous companies.




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