Abstract: 3D applications appear in every corner of life in the current technology era. There is a need for an ubiquitous 3D input device that works with many different platforms, from head-mounted displays (HMDs) to mobile touch devices, 3DTVs, and even the Cave Automatic Virtual Environments. We present 3DTouch, a novel wearable 3D input device worn […]
Archive | Virtual Reality
How to use Bullet Physics engine in Vrui applications
Bullet is an open source physics engine featuring 3D collision detection and dynamics. It has been adopted in game engines like Ogre3D so it would be great to embed Bullet in an Vrui application for immersive environments as well. This post shows you one simple way to make a Bullet Demo program work in Vrui. […]
Integration between CyberGloves and OptiTrack
A few months ago, my lab mate Lionel and I hacked on a project combining CyberGloves II and our optical tracking system, OptiTrack in a virtual environment. The position and orientation of the hands are defined by the markers being tracked by the tracking system; while the bending angles of the fingers are defined by the 22 […]
How to make CyberGloves work on Linux via VRPN
Most of open-source VR frameworks like Vrui, or FreeVR are on Linux. Only VRJuggler is the exception that runs on both Windows and Linux. The problem is, at the moment, CyberGloves only run on Windows and these frameworks do not support CyberGloves. This entry will show you how to make CyberGloves work with Vrui via VRPN. […]
Another Pit Demo in Immersive Environments
This summer my lab mate, Lionel, and I have built a Pit Demo for immersive environments at our lab.Users are supposed to wear an Head-Mounted Display and walk on a narrow plank of wood. The main purpose of the demo is to create an experience so that users feel like walking on a real pit […]
Low-cost Augmented Reality prototype for controlling network devices
The Workshop on Off-The-Shelf Virtual Reality is intended to bring together researchers, professionals, and hobbyists to share ideas that leverage off-the-shelf technology for the creation of virtual reality experiences. Building on a successful workshop from IEEE VR 2012, OTSVR 2013 will provide a venue for sharing novel hardware prototypes, software toolkits, interaction techniques, and novel […]