GlitchBench: Can large multimodal models detect video game glitches?

Mohammad Reza Taesiri, Tianjun Feng, Cor-Paul Bezemer, Anh Totti Nguyen

Links: pdf | code | project page

Large multimodal models (LMMs) have evolved from large language models (LLMs) to integrate multiple input modalities, such as visual inputs. This integration augments the capacity of LLMs for tasks requiring visual comprehension and reasoning. However, the extent and limitations of their enhanced abilities are not fully understood, especially when it comes to real-world tasks. To address this gap, we introduce GlitchBench, a novel benchmark derived from video-game quality assurance tasks, to test and evaluate the reasoning capabilities of LMMs. Our benchmark is curated from a variety of unusual and glitched scenarios from video games and aims to challenge both the visual and linguistic reasoning powers of LMMs in detecting and interpreting out-of-the-ordinary events. Our evaluation shows that GlitchBench presents a new, interesting challenge to state-of-the-art LMMs.

Acknowledgment: This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2145767, Adobe Research, and donations from the NaphCare Foundation.

Conference: CVPR 2024 (acceptance rate: 2,719/11,532 = 23.6%).

A glitch where it rains inside a room. While the rain should be what is wrong with the image, GPT-4V fails to reason correctly and instead focuses on the color of Batman’s costume.

Figure 1: A glitch where it rains inside a room. While the rain should be what is wrong with the image, GPT-4V fails to reason correctly and instead focuses on the color of Batman’s costume.


Figure 2: Sample images from the GlitchBench showing glitches in various games with distinct styles. Samples (a)–(e) are captured from online videos, while sample (f) is generated inside the Unity game engine.

To evaluate a model’s response, we ask a judge (the Llama-2-70b-Chat model) to compare it semantically with the ground truth

Accuracy of various LMMs on GlitchBench. Numbers highlighted in ■ represent the average results of Q1 and Q2, whichare the main results of the benchmark. Numbers related to Q3 serve as a visual perception test to measure the ability of models to report glitches in a relaxed manner. Numbers highlighted in ■ show the maximum agreement achievable with ground truth as perceived by Llama-2’s judgment (%). Numbers highlighted in ■ represent the results obtained from GPT-4V on glitch-free images


Figure 5. One of the several cases in which GPT-4V fails to detecta problem with facial features.

Figure 5: One of the several cases in which GPT-4V fails to detect a problem with facial features.


Comparing GlitchBench with other visual benchmarks — the bold numbers show the best model per benchmark (%)

Figure 6. The image shows a basketball player with an unnatural,impossible elbow pose. GPT-4V fails to focus on small details such as body configuration and is unable to report this issue.

Figure 6: The image shows a basketball player with an unnatural, impossible elbow pose. GPT-4V fails to focus on small details such as body configuration and is unable to report this issue.