A few months ago, my lab mate Lionel and I hacked on a project combining CyberGloves II and our optical tracking system, OptiTrack in a virtual environment. The position and orientation of the hands are defined by the markers being tracked by the tracking system; while the bending angles of the fingers are defined by the 22 […]
Tag Archives | CyberGloves
How to make CyberGloves work on Linux via VRPN
Most of open-source VR frameworks like Vrui, or FreeVR are on Linux. Only VRJuggler is the exception that runs on both Windows and Linux. The problem is, at the moment, CyberGloves only run on Windows and these frameworks do not support CyberGloves. This entry will show you how to make CyberGloves work with Vrui via VRPN. […]