News outlets sometimes covered my works. Artists sometimes use our published techniques to generate art works which are exhibited in the US and Europe.
Selected articles

2024. ArsTechnica. Can you do better than top-level AI models on these basic vision tests?

2024. TechCrunch. ‘Visual’ AI models might not see anything at all

2024. Youth Today. Testing AI’s pluses and minuses in after-school programming

2021. IEEE Spectrum. 7 Revealing ways AIs fail

2021. MIT Technology Review. Jumbled-up sentences show that AIs still don’t really understand language

2019. Nature. Why deep-learning AIs are so easy to fool

2019. Binary District. How to Make Use of Recent Research on Artificial Neural Networks

2019. New Scientist. The best image-recognition AIs are fooled by slightly rotated images

2018. ZDNet. Google’s image recognition AI fooled by new tricks

2018. Nautilus. Why Robot Brains Need Symbols

2018. Swiss NSF. Deep Neural Networks: researchers outsmart algorithms in order to understand them better

2017. BBC. The tiny changes that can cause AI to fail

2017. Communications of the ACM. Computing the Arts

2017. Nature. Astronomers explore uses for AI-generated images

2016. The Verge. Artificial intelligence is going to make it easier than ever to fake images and video

2016. Nature. Can we open the black box of AI?

2016. Popular Science. See the difference one year makes in Artificial Intelligence research

2016. American Scientist. Computer Vision and Computer Hallucinations

2015. Scientific American. Do Androids Dream?

2015. The Economist. Rise of the Machines

2014. MIT Technology Review. “Smart” Software Can Be Tricked into Seeing What Isn’t There

2014. New Scientist. Optical illusions fool computers into seeing things

2014. MIT Technology Review. How An Intelligent Thimble Could Replace the Mouse In 3D Virtual Reality Worlds

2014. Fast Company. Is A Smart Thimble The Computer Mouse Of The Future?

2014. IFL Science. 3DTouch Works In 3 Dimensions & Could Replace The Computer Mouse

2014. Wired. Augmented Reailty: a fingertip mounted bat
2022. Our Strike with A Pose is being exhibited at Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland (photos).
2017. Our Innovation Engine is being displayed at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in Miami, FL.
2017. Our Plug and Play Generative Networks are used to generate art for display at Transmediale, Europe’s largest media art festival. Thanks Constant Dullaart & Adam Harvey!
2016. Our Innovation Engine works and DeepVis toolbox are exhibited at the Science Gallery in Dublin, Ireland. Thanks Frederik de Wilde!
2016. Our Innovation Engine works and DeepVis toolbox are exhibited at the Berry Center in U Wyoming, USA.
2016. Images produced by our Innovation Engine won a prize at an art contest and displayed at the Art Museum at U Wyoming.
2015. Our Innovation Engine works and DeepVis toolbox are exhibited in the Netherlands. Thanks Frederik de Wilde!